Floating rate | Compounded TONA |
Day count convention | ACT/365 |
Frequency of cash-flow |
Region of Business Day | Tokyo Modified Following |
Settlement | Settlement on balance |
Settlement date | 2 Tokyo business days later from the maturity day |
Clearing | JSCC available (Up to 14,623days≒40year)/ LCH available (Up to 41year) |
Formula of floating H | n
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
This data is a sample. If you would like to see the actual data, please contact us here.
Email: md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com Phone: 03-4360-3881
Tenor(static) | ASK | BID | MID | CHG |
ON | 0.24800 | 0.20800 | 0.22800 | 0.00000 |
1W | 0.24625 | 0.20625 | 0.22625 | 0.00000 |
2W | 0.24625 | 0.20625 | 0.22625 | 0.00000 |
3W | 0.24500 | 0.20500 | 0.22500 | 0.00000 |
1M | 0.24500 | 0.20500 | 0.22500 | + 0.00125 |
2M | 0.24875 | 0.20875 | 0.22875 | 0.00000 |
3M | 0.26000 | 0.22000 | 0.24000 | + 0.00500 |
4M | 0.27875 | 0.23875 | 0.25875 | + 0.00500 |
5M | 0.29500 | 0.25500 | 0.27500 | + 0.00625 |
6M | 0.31000 | 0.27000 | 0.29000 | + 0.00375 |
7M | 0.32125 | 0.28125 | 0.30125 | + 0.00125 |
8M | 0.33250 | 0.29250 | 0.31250 | + 0.00125 |
9M | 0.34250 | 0.30250 | 0.32250 | 0.00000 |
10M | 0.35125 | 0.31125 | 0.33125 | 0.00000 |
11M | 0.36000 | 0.32000 | 0.34000 | 0.00000 |
1Y | 0.36750 | 0.32750 | 0.34750 | 0.00000 |
18M | 0.41875 | 0.37875 | 0.39875 | 0.00000 |
2Y | 0.45750 | 0.41750 | 0.43750 | + 0.00125 |
3Y | 0.51625 | 0.47625 | 0.49625 | + 0.00625 |
4Y | 0.56250 | 0.52250 | 0.54250 | + 0.01125 |
5Y | 0.60750 | 0.56750 | 0.58750 | + 0.01500 |
6Y | 0.65875 | 0.61875 | 0.63875 | + 0.01875 |
7Y | 0.71625 | 0.67625 | 0.69625 | + 0.02125 |
8Y | 0.77875 | 0.73875 | 0.75875 | + 0.02375 |
9Y | 0.84250 | 0.80250 | 0.82250 | + 0.02625 |
10Y | 0.90875 | 0.86875 | 0.88875 | + 0.02875 |
11Y | 0.97375 | 0.93375 | 0.95375 | + 0.03125 |
12Y | 1.03625 | 0.99625 | 1.01625 | + 0.03250 |
15Y | 1.21500 | 1.17500 | 1.19500 | + 0.03750 |
20Y | 1.46750 | 1.42750 | 1.44750 | + 0.04375 |
25Y | 1.59750 | 1.55750 | 1.57750 | + 0.04625 |
30Y | 1.66375 | 1.62375 | 1.64375 | + 0.04750 |
35Y | 1.70625 | 1.66625 | 1.68625 | + 0.05125 |
40Y | 1.72875 | 1.68875 | 1.70875 | + 0.05625 |
You can view our TONA data screen on Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon.
Bloomberg: MEIT, Refinitiv Eikon: TRADTINDEX
For enterprise usage, API for Direct access available. If you wish to use our rates in systems, printed materials, etc., please contact our support.
Email: md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com Phone: 03-4360-3881
Floating rate | Compounded TONA vs Compounded SOFR |
Day count convention | JPY ACT/365、USD ACT/360 |
Frequency of cash-flow | Every 3M in both Fix and Floaing (ARRC recommended) |
Region of Business Day (Roll date) | Tokyo and New York Modified Following |
Floating Rates Fixing Day | SOFR conform to USGS calendar / TONA conform to Tokyo Bank Business day |
Settlement | Settlement on balance |
Settlement date | 2 Tokyo business days later from each roll day |
Principal Exchange | Exchange Pripcipal on the Start and the Maturity date |
Mark-to-Market | Principal is reset every 3M the current FX rate. Applicable FX rate will be published on Refinitiv's WMRPSPOT01 at 11:00 AM (GMT) London time, 2 Tokyo/New York business days before on each roll day. |
TONA Formula of floating H | n
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
SOFR Formula of floating F | n
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
SOFR rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
This data is a sample. If you would like to see the actual data, please contact us here.
Email: md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com Phone: 03-4360-3881
Tenor(static) | ASK | BID | MID | CHG |
1M | -28.25000 | -34.25000 | -31.25000 | + 0.62500 |
2M | -23.62500 | -29.62500 | -26.62500 | + 1.00000 |
3M | -22.12500 | -28.12500 | -25.12500 | + 1.37500 |
6M | -33.25000 | -39.25000 | -36.25000 | + 0.75000 |
9M | -32.75000 | -38.75000 | -35.75000 | + 1.12500 |
1Y | -33.00000 | -39.00000 | -36.00000 | + 1.00000 |
18M | -36.25000 | -42.25000 | -39.25000 | + 0.87500 |
2Y | -38.12500 | -44.12500 | -41.12500 | + 0.87500 |
3Y | -42.50000 | -48.50000 | -45.50000 | + 0.75000 |
4Y | -46.25000 | -52.25000 | -49.25000 | + 0.50000 |
5Y | -49.37500 | -55.37500 | -52.37500 | + 0.37500 |
6Y | -51.87500 | -57.87500 | -54.87500 | + 0.37500 |
7Y | -53.87500 | -59.87500 | -56.87500 | + 0.25000 |
8Y | -55.37500 | -61.37500 | -58.37500 | + 0.12500 |
9Y | -56.25000 | -62.25000 | -59.25000 | + 0.12500 |
10Y | -56.62500 | -62.62500 | -59.62500 | 0.00000 |
11Y | -56.37500 | -62.37500 | -59.37500 | 0.00000 |
12Y | -55.87500 | -61.87500 | -58.87500 | 0.00000 |
15Y | -55.12500 | -61.12500 | -58.12500 | 0.00000 |
20Y | -52.87500 | -58.87500 | -55.87500 | 0.00000 |
25Y | -49.50000 | -55.50000 | -52.50000 | + 0.12500 |
30Y | -44.50000 | -50.50000 | -47.50000 | + 0.12500 |
35Y | -41.50000 | -47.50000 | -44.50000 | + 0.12500 |
40Y | -37.75000 | -43.75000 | -40.75000 | + 0.12500 |
For more information for SOFR calculation
You can view our TONA data screen on Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon.
Bloomberg: MEIT, Refinitiv Eikon: TRADTINDEX
For enterprise usage, API for Direct access available. If you wish to use our rates in systems, printed materials, etc., please contact our support.
Email: md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com Phone: 03-4360-3881
Floating interest rate | Calculated by compound interest calculation based on the confirmed rate of Japanese yen uncollateralized overnight call rate (TONA) |
Fixed , Floating rate day calculation method | ACT/365、ACT/365 |
Cash flow frequency | IMM Date" refers to the third Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December. It occurs every three months, both for fixed and floating terms. |
Business Day | Tokyo Modified Following |
Settlement method | Cash settlement |
Settlement day | 2 Tokyo business days after the maturity date |
Clearing eligibility (clearing period) | JSCC Cleared Transactions (40 years) LCH Cleared Transactions (30 years) OSE TONA 3-month interest rate futures (5 years) |
The fomula of "Floating Interest Rate" (annual percentage). |
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
This data is a sample. If you would like to see the actual data, please contact us here.
Email: md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com Phone: 03-4360-3881
Tenor(static) | MID |
3M (IMM 1st) | 0.23994 |
6M (IMM 1st) | 0.29089 |
9M (IMM 1st) | 0.32331 |
1Y (IMM 1st) | 0.34952 |
15M (IMM 1st) | 0.37259 |
18M (IMM 1st) | 0.39800 |
21M (IMM 1st) | 0.41888 |
2Y (IMM 1st) | 0.43784 |
3Y (IMM 1st) | 0.49878 |
4Y (IMM 1st) | 0.54787 |
5Y (IMM 1st) | 0.59571 |