OIS-related data and details

OIS Specifications

Floating rate Compounded TONA
Day count convention ACT/365
Frequency of cash-flow
  • 1 year 1 time both Fix and Floating
  • If the maturity is less than 1year, the payment date at maturity (ex: 1M, 3M, 6M)
  • If 18m maturity, the payment day at 1y later and maturity
Region of Business Day Tokyo Modified Following
Settlement Settlement on balance
Settlement date 2 Tokyo business days later from the maturity day
Clearing JSCC available (Up to 14,623days≒40year)/ LCH available (Up to 41year)
Formula of floating H
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
Tenor(static) ASK BID MID CHG
ON 0.09700 0.05700 0.07700 0.00000
1W 0.09750 0.05750 0.07750 0.00000
2W 0.09750 0.05750 0.07750 0.00000
3W 0.09750 0.05750 0.07750 0.00000
1M 0.09875 0.05875 0.07875 0.00000
2M 0.10750 0.06750 0.08750 0.00000
3M 0.12250 0.08250 0.10250 + 0.00125
4M 0.13625 0.09625 0.11625 + 0.00125
5M 0.14750 0.10750 0.12750 + 0.00125
6M 0.15875 0.11875 0.13875 + 0.00125
7M 0.17250 0.13250 0.15250 + 0.00125
8M 0.18750 0.14750 0.16750 + 0.00125
9M 0.20125 0.16125 0.18125 + 0.00125
10M 0.21500 0.17500 0.19500 + 0.00125
11M 0.22750 0.18750 0.20750 + 0.00125
1Y 0.24000 0.20000 0.22000 0.00000
18M 0.31250 0.27250 0.29250 0.00000
2Y 0.37375 0.33375 0.35375 + 0.00125
3Y 0.46125 0.42125 0.44125 + 0.00375
4Y 0.53000 0.49000 0.51000 + 0.00500
5Y 0.60000 0.56000 0.58000 + 0.00750
6Y 0.67375 0.63375 0.65375 + 0.00875
7Y 0.75375 0.71375 0.73375 + 0.01000
8Y 0.83000 0.79000 0.81000 + 0.00875
9Y 0.90250 0.86250 0.88250 + 0.01000
10Y 0.97375 0.93375 0.95375 + 0.01000
11Y 1.04000 1.00000 1.02000 + 0.00875
12Y 1.10250 1.06250 1.08250 + 0.00875
15Y 1.27750 1.23750 1.25750 + 0.00625
20Y 1.51000 1.47000 1.49000 + 0.00125
25Y 1.63000 1.59000 1.61000 -0.00125
30Y 1.69250 1.65250 1.67250 -0.00375
35Y 1.71125 1.67125 1.69125 -0.00375
40Y 1.71750 1.67750 1.69750 -0.00375
Update Time: 08-May-2024 (update at 4pm every business days)

You can view our TONA data screen on Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon.
Bloomberg: TRAT<GO>, Refinitiv Eikon: <TRADT1>.
For enterprise usage, API for Direct access available. If you wish to use our rates in systems, printed materials, etc., please contact our support.
Email : md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com    Phone : 03-4360-3881

SOFR vs TONA Cross Currency Basis Specifications

Floating rate Compounded TONA vs Compounded SOFR
Day count convention JPY ACT/365、USD ACT/360
Frequency of cash-flow Every 3M in both Fix and Floaing (ARRC recommended)
Region of Business Day (Roll date) Tokyo and New York Modified Following
Floating Rates Fixing Day SOFR conform to USGS calendar / TONA conform to Tokyo Bank Business day
Settlement Settlement on balance
Settlement date 2 Tokyo business days later from each roll day
Principal Exchange Exchange Pripcipal on the Start and the Maturity date
Mark-to-Market Principal is reset every 3M the current FX rate. Applicable FX rate will be published on Refinitiv's WMRPSPOT01 at 11:00 AM (GMT) London time, 2 Tokyo/New York business days before on each roll day.
TONA Formula of floating H
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
SOFR Formula of floating F
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
SOFR rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Tenor(static) ASK BID MID CHG
1M -17.87500 -23.87500 -20.87500 -0.12500
2M -22.87500 -28.87500 -25.87500 -0.25000
3M -22.62500 -28.62500 -25.62500 -0.62500
6M -24.12500 -30.12500 -27.12500 -0.25000
9M -33.12500 -39.12500 -36.12500 -0.37500
1Y -33.75000 -39.75000 -36.75000 -0.12500
18M -35.50000 -41.50000 -38.50000 -0.12500
2Y -39.87500 -45.87500 -42.87500 -0.12500
3Y -45.37500 -51.37500 -48.37500 -0.12500
4Y -50.37500 -56.37500 -53.37500 -0.12500
5Y -54.87500 -60.87500 -57.87500 -0.37500
6Y -58.25000 -64.25000 -61.25000 -0.50000
7Y -60.62500 -66.62500 -63.62500 -0.50000
8Y -62.25000 -68.25000 -65.25000 -0.62500
9Y -63.12500 -69.12500 -66.12500 -0.75000
10Y -63.37500 -69.37500 -66.37500 -0.87500
11Y -63.37500 -69.37500 -66.37500 -1.00000
12Y -63.25000 -69.25000 -66.25000 -1.12500
15Y -62.12500 -68.12500 -65.12500 -1.12500
20Y -60.87500 -66.87500 -63.87500 -1.62500
25Y -58.00000 -64.00000 -61.00000 -1.62500
30Y -54.62500 -60.62500 -57.62500 -1.62500
35Y -51.37500 -57.37500 -54.37500 -1.62500
40Y -48.12500 -54.12500 -51.12500 -1.62500
Update Time: 08-May-2024 (update at 4pm every business days)

For more information for SOFR calculation

You can view our TONA data screen on Bloomberg and Refinitiv Eikon.
Bloomberg: TRAT<GO>, Refinitiv Eikon: <TRADT1>.
For enterprise usage, API for Direct access available. If you wish to use our rates in systems, printed materials, etc., please contact our support.
Email : md-support.tokyo@traditionasia.com    Phone : 03-4360-3881

IMM OIS SWAP Spcification

Floating interest rate Calculated by compound interest calculation based on the confirmed rate of Japanese yen uncollateralized overnight call rate (TONA)
Fixed , Floating rate day calculation method ACT/365、ACT/365
Cash flow frequency IMM Date" refers to the third Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December. It occurs every three months, both for fixed and floating terms.
Business Day Tokyo Modified Following
Settlement method Cash settlement
Settlement day 2 Tokyo business days after the maturity date
Clearing eligibility (clearing period) JSCC Cleared Transactions (40 years) LCH Cleared Transactions (30 years) OSE TONA 3-month interest rate futures (5 years)
The fomula of "Floating Interest Rate" (annual percentage).
Number of days for the interest calculating period (First day included, maturity date not included)
Pointing to which number of the bank business date on calculating period
TONA rate for [i]th bank business day
Number of days ri applied (If Friday, 3days including weekend)
Number of days for calculating period
Tenor(static) MID
3M (IMM 1st) 0.07961
6M (IMM 1st) 0.12435
9M (IMM 1st) 0.15904
1Y (IMM 1st) 0.20096
15M (IMM 1st) 0.23752
18M (IMM 1st) 0.27354
21M (IMM 1st) 0.30751
2Y (IMM 1st) 0.33904
3Y (IMM 1st) 0.43305
4Y (IMM 1st) 0.50469
5Y (IMM 1st) 0.57835
Update Time: 08-May-2024 (update at 4pm every business days)